I wish everyone near, and far, a Happy New Year. I pray that you let no one or nothing hold you back from what the Lord has in store for you in 2018, and beyond. I pray that you waste no more time on people, places, and things that steal your joy, kill your spirit, and or destroy your relationship with God, and loved one's. I pray that when you decide to move forward, that you do it in Jesus name. I pray that you take off the mask and surrender all to God, so you can be the self that God made and knows you to be, not who people want or expect you to be. I pray that you understand and know that Jesus sacrificed His life so that you may be free. I pray that you be reminded that, because He lives, you will remain free as long as you continue to walk in His Way. I pray that you let not your running be in vain. I pray that you experience love, life, and happiness no matter your situation or circumstances. I pray that you treat people the way you would like to be treated. I pray that you always remember, ain't nobody mad but the devil, and he is already defeated. God bless you all, and Happy New Year!
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