"Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein (Luke 18:17).
How can we Receive the Kingdom of God like little Children?
God's Holy Word (Bible) tells us that the Kingdom of God must be received as a little child (Luke 18:17). This does not mean be childish. What this scripture is telling us is if we are not trusting God as our father, by putting our whole trust in Him, in the same manner -even more so, as we did/do our parents we'll never make it in. As followers of Christ Jesus we have to be all in. All into Him providing and leading the way. We cannot help Him in this. We need to do what children do..
Do What Children Do
Children do not doubt who loves and takes care of them. Their view is that if you are taking care of them, loving them, and providing for them, then its simple - trust that person or persons until, or unless, that trust is violated. God will never go against His Word (Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 55:10-11). Little children depend exclusively on their loving parent(s) or caregivers. They have no doubt in their mind who to put their trust in. If we would depend on Jesus as His children, which we (Born again Believers) are, we'd have a settled way of thinking and feeling about Him.
